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Monday, August 24, 2009

Politicians dole out free college to donors

A very unsurprising story, given Illinois politics:

"CHAMPAIGN -- Two years ago, state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington gave a state medical school scholarship worth almost $24,000 to the daughter of a man who has donated thousands of dollars to him.

There is, by law, nothing wrong with that. And it isn't uncommon.

Relatives of donors and students with political ties show up frequently among the recipients of a $12.5 million General Assembly scholarship program, a perk that lets state lawmakers give away the equivalent of two four-year scholarships at state-run universities each year... The state doesn't pay for the scholarships, leaving universities to pick up the tab -- $12.5 million in 2008 for 1,509 scholarships, an average of almost $8,300 each, according to the Illinois Board of Higher Education."


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