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Friday, February 19, 2010

Halfpipe Senior Fantasy Camp

After watching Shaun White win the gold medal in halfpipe the other night, I thought "I should just give up the research business and take up halfpipe."

My practical wife reminded me that I'm 6'3" -- almost a foot taller than a decent halfpiper. They tend to be short, like gymnasts.  So I'm petitioning the Illinois state legislature to have the laws of physics amended.

In the meantime, I'm planning "Senior Fantasy Halfpipe Camp".  The idea is like those Cubs Fantasy Baseball Camps.  We take older guys, put a red wig on them, have a few lessons in "looking cool" (or maybe a lot of lessons) and then train them in a bit of halfpipe.  I'm thinking with the use of creative camera angles and outright fake photography we can make even old guys look like they've got a bit of air.


I'm not worried so much about "360s" and "720s". Those will take care of themselves. I'm more worried about how hard it will be to photoshop in a decent landing.

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