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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Plurality say daylight savings time isn't worth it.

Despite being a male 40-64, I agree with the plurality opinion that daylight savings time isn't worth the hassle.

Daylight Saving Time begins early tomorrow morning, but, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, 47% of Americans don't think the time change is worth the hassle. Forty percent (40%) disagree, and 13% more aren't sure.

These figures are unchanged from our survey last October, when Daylight Saving Time for 2009 ended.

Men tend more than women to think advancing the clock an hour to guarantee more sunlight in the afternoon and evening is worth the trouble. Adults 40 to 64 are more likely to feel the change is worth the hassle than those in other age groups.


Current research (based on a recent switch in Indiana) shows that DST no longer saves energy, since there is more air conditioning used under conditions of DST.

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