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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Survey Methodology and Statistics in North Korea

Retirement opportunities abound!

Interesting that they compare it to the University of Michigan summer institute.  I took survey methods there (and got additional credit for finishing up the class project so it was a full writeup for the sponsor) and took two courses in sampling from Leslie Kish (who wrote the book on survey sampling), Martin Frankel, Graham Kalton, and Robert Groves (a young PhD at the U of M Institute for Social Research who's now head of the U.S. Census Bureau).  I learned a lot there -- far more than I knew at the time -- which has proven to be of great value during my professional life.

I don't think I'm going to North Korea, though. I haven't taught these courses before, and there are bound to be a number of academics with better academic credentials applying (and whose universities will cover the cost).

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Survey Research Methods Section: Call for Instructors of Survey Methodology and Statistics in North Korea
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2013 20:39:50 -0500
From: Young Chun <noreply@egroups.amstat.org>
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ASA | Community Directory | View Discussions | Survey Research Methods Section
Call for Instructors of Survey Methodology and Statistics in North Korea
Posted: January 13, 2013 8:40 PM
Subject: Call for Instructors of Survey Methodology and Statistics in North Korea
This message has been cross posted to the following eGroups: Washington Statistical Society and Survey Research Methods Section .

There is a need for instructors of survey methodology and statistics at the 2nd Pyongyang Summer Institute in Survey Science and Quantitative Methodology (PSI) to be held the next July 2013 at the 
Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST) in DPRK (North Korea).  PUST is the first and only private university launched in the fall of 2010 in DPRK. 

The DPRK Working Group of PSI requests your pro bono instruction in this developing country. 
The DPRK Working Group consists of PSI founding members of Statistics without Borders (SWB) of American Statistical Association as well as members of American Association for Public Opinion Research, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Evaluation Association, World Association for Public Opinion Research, Korean International Statistical Society, and European Survey Research Association. SWB is an Outreach Group of the American Statistical Association. http://community.amstat.org/statisticswithoutborders/home/

Instruction for the 4-week-long PSI courses is modeled after the 65-years old Summer Institute at the University of Michigan, a renowned international training program of survey methodology, as well as Joint Program of Survey Methodology of University of Maryland. PSI target beneficiaries are graduate students and professionals in DPRK who would benefit from survey methodology and statistical training that involves fundamental and advanced courses. The courses to teach include: sampling theory and applications, statistics primer, survey methodology, census methods, questionnaire design, computer-assisted collection and analysis of survey data, business survey statistics, health survey statistics, education survey statistics, R statistical computing, and statistical use of administrative records. English is the official language of instruction.

Room and board will be provided to instructors, but instructors will need to cover most of their travel cost unless supported by their affiliated institutions. If interested, please contact Mr. Gary Shapiro (g.shapiro4@live.com), Past Chair of Statistics without Borders; Mr. Justin Fisher (FisherJS@gmail.com), Chair of Statistics without Borders; or Dr. Asaph Young Chun (YChun2@gmail.com), Chair of the DPRK working group of PSI. Indicate what topic(s) you might cover in a course and how long (e.g., 2 to 4 weeks) you would be able to teach for in the period of July 2013. Please send a short bio and a resume.  Check out further details, including PSI courses taught in the launching year of 2012, in the PSI website


PSI Advisory Board
Preeminent scholars of science, survey statistics, medicine and inter-disciplinary research)

  • Peter AgreProfessor at Johns Hopkins; Nobel laureate in Chemistry
  • Lord David Alton, British Parliament
  • Malcolm GillisPresident of Rice University (1993 - 2004)
  • Sally Morton, Professor and Chair of Department of Biostatistics, University of Pittsburgh; President of American Statistical Association (2009)
  • Chan-Mo ParkPresident of Pohang University of Science and Technology/POSTECH (2003 - 2007); Senior Adviser to President of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) in Science and Technology (2008-2009)
  • Stuart ThorsonDonald P. and Margaret Curry Gregg Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Syracuse University


DPRK Working Group
The pro bono DPRK Working Group of PSI plans and implements PSI in the five areas: faculty recruitment & training, curriculum design, research & grants development, educational software and hardware acquisition, and diversity management.)

  • Ms. Sunny Bak, Independent Consultant, Oregon; PSI faculty
  • Dr. Woody Carter, University of Chicago; PSI faculty
  • Professor Dongseok Choi, Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University; President of the Korean International Statistical Society
  • Professor James Cochran, Louisiana Tech University
  • Professor Jeff Gill, Department of Political Science and Department of Biostatistics, Washington University
  • Professor Jennifer Greene, University of Illinois; President of the American Evaluation Association (2011)
  • Dr. Mark Griffin, Director of the Australian Development Agency for Statistics and Information Systems, Australia; PSI faculty
  • Professor Dominique Joye, University of Lausanne, Switzerland 
  • Professor Miok Kim, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
  • Professor Sunghee Lee,  Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Michigan
  • Ms. Yena Lee, Yale University; PSI Assistant Director
  • Dr. Hubert Palumer, Principal at Goss Gilroy Inc., Canada
  • Dr. Jacquelyn Pennings, Biostatistician, Elite Research, LLC, Texas: PSI faculty
  • Dr. Rene Paulson, CEO and Senior Statistician, Elite Research, LLC, Texas; PSI Assistant Director
  • Mr. Gary Shapiro, former Mathematical Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau; Chair of ASA Statistics without Borders (2010-2012)
  • Professor Duncan Thomas, Director of the Biostatistics Division, and Verna R. Richter Chair in Cancer Research, University of Southern California
  • Dr. Chirstof Wolf, Scientific Director of GESIS, Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences; Professor of Sociology, Manheim University
  • Ms. Elena Zafarana, Senior statistician at the Swiss Federal Statistical Office; PSI faculty
  • Co-Chair - Mr. Justin Fisher, Lecturer, George Washington University; Chair of ASA Statistics without Borders; PSI faculty 
  • Chair - Dr. Asaph Young Chun, Program Chair of ASA Statistics without Borders

Asaph Young Chun
Program Chair
Statistics without Borders
American Statistical Association

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