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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy 2015

2014 was my first full year of retirement, since I retired June 1, 2013.

I was one of those retirees who stayed somewhat busier than they anticipated.  I anticipated being able to do more cycling, but that turned out not to be the case. It was wonderful to see my grandson grow during the year right in front of my eyes as we took care of him about 3 days a week.

Teaching 3 college courses this fall proved to be more than I really want to do, so I'm cutting back next year, maybe entirely.  I knew it was going to be a busy fall, but due to unforeseen circumstances it turned out to be a lot busier than anticipated.

What's up for 2015?

The key thing to get done this year is to move to more suitable housing for the long term.  We've been in this house since 1981, and moving will not be easy or straightforward.

My grandson will be walking within days, and this spring can be put in the bike trailer, so I see a lot of trips to playgrounds and the Botanic Gardens in my future, and I'm looking forward to that a lot.

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