I have updated this essay slightly to add supporting evidence. The updated version is here: Truncated thoughts: LGBTQIA+ and Swedenborg: It doesn’t have to be this way
The purpose of this essay is to show that it is possible for Swedenborgians to be more inclusive of LGBTQIA+ (henceforward LGBT) people than in this February, 2022 statement by Bishop Peter Buss, Jr, the chief bishop of the New Church branch of Swedenborgianism:
Even with an emphasis on love and
understanding, the Church cannot embrace same-sex marriage – on earth or in
heaven. It cannot support a concept of gender fluidity. It cannot embrace
variety of sexual expression implied in a bisexual identity. It should be a
place where people can hear directly from the Word about the Lord’s vision of
marriage and receive encouragement to reach for their experience of it.
Organizationally, the Church has a
responsibility to make policies about what the priesthood can and cannot do
around these matters, and what is expected of employees who have signed on to
represent the beliefs of the New Church in their professional and private
conduct. We must strive to align ourselves organizationally with what the Word
teaches, and where we find ourselves out of alignment to work diligently to
change. (page 23)
Buss, Peter M. Jr.
From the Bishop’s Office. Standing for Marriage in Today’s World, A
Church Perspective. New Church Life, Vol. MMXXII #1, January/February 2022,
15-24. NCL_JanFeb_2022-web.pdf
A Few Preliminaries
I want to outline a few of the ways that an argument can be
First, there is deduction, where after stating some
premises, the conclusion necessarily follows. For example:
All men
are mortal.
is a man.
Socrates is mortal.
The validity of a deductive argument depends on the validity
of the premises, if there is no fallacious construction such as assuming the
Second, there is induction, in which we generalize from the
observed facts. For example, if thousands of swans have been observed and every
swan observed has been white, then we might conclude that all swans are white.
Arguments by induction can be refuted by further evidence, e.g. finding a black
swan, or by showing that other conclusions are also consistent with the
Third, there are apologia, a formal defense of a position or
belief. In apologia, we start with the conclusion we want, and work backward to
explain or justify it.
There is an easy slide into apologia. For example, in the
investigation of a crime, evidence may be gathered objectively, leading to an
inductive inference that a particular person is likely to be responsible. But,
once we get into court, the prosecution starts with a belief in guilt, the
defense starts with a belief in innocence, and both sides present evidence to
justify their positions.
Apologia are particularly common in religious writings. The
Wikipedia article on Christian apologetics cites writers such as Paul, Thomas
Aquinas, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Anselm of Canterbury, Blaise Pascal,
G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis, G. E. M. Anscombe, and John Henry Newman (author
of Apologia Pro Vita Sua).
Of course, much as the prosecution and defense at a trial
see things differently, different apologists will defend different positions.
This is captured in the popular idiom from Shakespeare that the devil can cite
scripture for his purpose.
With these preliminaries laid out, I present the following
apologia defending an inclusive position for LGBT individuals.
We’ll start with the position that LGBT should be accepted
on an equal basis in a church or religious community.
First, this should be the default – we should assume in
Christian charity that others should be accepted. The basis of this starting
point is Matthew 22:39, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Second, we can dispose of the Old Testament arguments by noting
that there are many things prohibited in the Torah that are permitted to
Christians (dietary restrictions, and carrying debts beyond Jubilee years for example) and also things that were
allowed in the Torah that we would not accept today (slavery, and polygamy, for
example). There is a lot of “pick and
choose” in Christians’ attitude toward the laws of the Torah.
There is, of course, the story of Sodom. There is a much more extensive discussion of what Swedenborg says about homosexuality in general and Sodom in particular by Lee and Annette Woofenden here: What does Emanuel Swedenborg Say about Homosexuality? | Spiritual Insights for Everyday Life (leewoof.org) Among many other particulars, it notes the parallelism between the story of Sodom (homosexual gang rape instead of hospitality toward travelers) and Judges 19 (heterosexual gang rape instead of hospitality toward travelers), both involving severe punishments (the destruction of Sodom, and the near genocide of the tribe of Benjamin). When we consider these stories together, it is the gang rape aspect that sticks out, rather than the specific form of gang rape.
Third, we can dispose of the New Testament arguments (e.g. a
passage in a Pauline epistle) by noting that Swedenborg himself rejected all
the New Testament epistles from his biblical canon.
Conjugial Love
But we cannot so easily dismiss conjugial love. An important
belief among Swedenborgians is in conjugial love – the importance of marriage
on earth, marriage in heaven, and the symbolism of the church betrothing
herself to her Lord as His bride and wife (Swedenborg’s Conjugial Love
But while a Christian marriage on earth (and,
for Swedenborgians, later in heaven) is an ideal state, it is not a required
state. There is no requirement that Swedenborgians marry. Swedenborg himself
never married. So, while the symbolism and correspondence is there, it need not
be born out in every single individual in a church community by heterosexual
We might further note that dispensations of
charity have been given in this regard. Swedenborg states that remarriage after
divorce should not occur except in cases of adultery, but even among the male
New Church clergy there are several examples of second marriages and it seems
unlikely that all of these involve female adultery, although it is clear that
the specifics of these cases are none of my business.
We do not require that all correspondences be
taken literally, particularly in individual cases. Diseases, for example, are,
in Swedenborg’s view, connected to sin.
“Diseases correspond to the cupidities and
passions of the disposition; these, too, are their origin; for, in general the
origins of diseases are intemperances, luxury of various kinds, merely corporeal
pleasures; and also envies, hatreds, revenges, lasciviousness and the like,
which destroy the interiors of man … and draw the man into disease, and thus
into death.” (5712; from Potts Concordance, volume 2, page 173)
“Hence it is that evil closes the smallest and
quite invisible vessels, of which the next greater ones, which are also
invisible, are composed; for the smallest and quite invisible vessels are
continued from man's interiors: hence the first and inmost obstruction, and
hence the first and inmost vitiation in the blood : this vitiation, when it
increases, causes disease, and at last death. But if man had lived the life of
good, his interiors would be open into Heaven, and through Heaven to the Lord,
thus also the smallest and invisible little vessels-vascula . . . Hence man
would be without disease, and would only decrease to the last of old age”
(5726; op. cit. page 173)
“The reason no one is reformed in a state of
disease of the body, is that reason is not then in a free state; for the state
of the mind depends on the state of the body. When the body is sick, the mind
also is sick; if not otherwise, still by removal from the world . . . When,
therefore, man is in a state of disease ... he is not in the world ... in which
state alone no one can be reformed ; but he can be confirmed, if he was
reformed before he fell into disease. . . Wherefore, if they are not reformed
before the disease, after it, if they die, they become such as they were before
the disease ; wherefore it is vain to think that anyone can do repentance or
receive any faith in diseases.” (p. 142; op. cit. page 174)
There is, of course, some truth to this view (e.g. you are more
likely to get lung cancer if you smoke), but by and large charitable
Swedenborgians are more likely to pray for a neighbor who has cancer, than to
contend that it must be due to their own sins and reject their full participation in the community.
We can understand that physical diseases may have a correspondence
to spiritual diseases without requiring that this correspondence apply to
specific individual cases.
To summarize this argument: We do not reject the unmarried
person from full membership in the community, despite the importance of the concept
of conjugial love. We do not reject the cancer patient from full membership in
the community, despite the correspondence of physical diseases to spiritual
diseases. Neither should we reject LGBT individuals from full membership in the
Mike Kruger
Glenview, Illinois
February 2022
It is worth noting that although I have been a Swedenborgian
for decades, I did not go through the New Church educational system or attend
its theology school. I have no doubt that there are those who did absorb decades
of New Church education would be able to provide point-by-point apologia in
opposition to this one. Whether I would find them convincing is an empirical
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